This directory contains formatted source for the samples shipped with the ADL distribution.

Utility routines:

stdproc.adl The standard ADL procedure package


aard.adl Main file for Aardvark
routines.adl Miscellaneous routines
constant.adl Constant declarations
locnames.adl Declaration of rooms
locales.adl Description of locales
objects.addl Declaration of objects
objrouts.adl Special routines for objects
transit.adl Transition routines
verbs.adl Verbs and their special routines


mpu.adl Main file for MPU
constant.adl Constant declarations
routines.adl Miscellaneous routines
locnames.adl Declaration of rooms
locales.adl Description of locales
objects.adl Objects and their special routines
transit.adl Transition routines
verbs.adl Verbs and their special routines

Small demos:

actdemo.adl A demo of actors (a Robot that you control with verbal commands)
baby.adl A demo of a slightly non-traditional two-room adventure
tiny.adl The tiny ADL scenario from the documentation